
Tip: Often "less is more," especially when searching for movies with long titles, or special characters, in their names. For example, typing "Predator" will give you a list of Predator movies, from which you can select the one you are looking for, while typing the complete title of either Alien vs Predator movie might not match the name in the database. Similarly, just searching on Harry Potter gives an overview of all Harry Potter movies.

Note: The Advanced search includes a random match search of the term in all people names and news articles in our database. This if far more time consuming, but might in rare cases offer extra hits.


MatchRelease DateMovieDomestic GrossWorldwide Gross
Start Sep 7, 1979Nest of Vipers $0 $0
Start May 11, 2012Nesting $0 $0
Start Feb 25, 2020Nesting Dolls $0 $0
Start Nov 15, 2016Nestor $0 $0
Start (ID) Aug 9, 1982The Nest
(Nest The (1982))
$0 $0
Start (ID) Aug 15, 2019The Nest
(Nest The (Italy) (2019))
$0 $758,352
Start (ID) Sep 18, 2020The Nest
(Nest The (UK))
$137,852 $1,762,115
Start (Original Title) Dec 18, 2015Sisters
(Nest The (2015))
$87,044,645 $106,030,660
Partial May 22, 2015(Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies $0 $0
Partial Oct 25, 2019Amnestie $0 $368,764
Partial Mar 6, 2015An Honest Liar $180,590 $180,590
Partial Jan 8, 2016Anesthesia $26,799 $61,920
Partial Mar 5, 2010Brooklyn's Finest $27,163,593 $39,233,233
Partial Jun 15, 2018Brothers' Nest $0 $201,769
Partial Feb 22, 2019Chesley Bonestell: A Brush with the Future $0 $0
Partial Dec 1, 2019Compton\'s Finest $0 $0
Partial UnknownCondor's Nest $0 $0
Partial Jan 27, 2023Condor’s Nest $0 $0
Partial Sep 7, 2012Crowsnest $0 $0
Partial Nov 18, 2011Division III: Football's Finest $0 $0
Partial Apr 10, 2015Dragon Nest Warriors' Dawn $0 $734,423
Partial UnknownEmpty Nest $0 $0
Partial Dec 12, 2012Ernest et Celestine $292,562 $9,376,444
Partial Nov 24, 2017Ernest et Célestine en hiver $0 $1,991,734
Partial Dec 14, 2022Ernest et Célestine, le Voyage en Charabie $17,446 $288,397
Partial May 22, 1987Ernest Goes to Camp $23,509,382 $23,509,382
Partial Apr 6, 1990Ernest Goes to Jail $25,029,569 $25,029,569
Partial Nov 12, 1993Ernest Rides Again $1,433,496 $1,433,496
Partial Nov 11, 1988Ernest Saves Christmas $28,202,109 $28,202,109
Partial Oct 11, 1991Ernest Scared Stupid $14,143,280 $14,143,280
Partial May 18, 2023Ernesto's Island $0 $0
Partial Dec 13, 2019Ernesto\'s Manifesto $0 $0
Partial Oct 28, 2016Ethel & Ernest $0 $200,447
Partial Jul 19, 1937Feather Your Nest $0 $0
Partial Dec 7, 2023Finestkind $0 $0
Partial Oct 8, 2020Honest Thief $14,163,574 $32,609,631
Partial Sep 9, 1970Hornets\' Nest $0 $0
Partial Dec 14, 2022Hotel Sinestra $0 $2,948,348
Partial Nov 1, 2023Inestimables $0 $0
Partial Oct 20, 2006Jonestown: The Life and Death of People's Temple $148,291 $148,291
Partial Jun 19, 2015La huella del doctor Ernesto Guevara $0 $327
Partial Nov 10, 2023La Importancia de llamarse Ernesto y la gilipollez de llamarse Eric $0 $2,033
Partial Dec 15, 2020Lonestar Christmas $0 $0
Partial Aug 3, 2022Ménestrel $0 $0
Partial Aug 31, 2018O Candidato Honesto 2 $0 $1,848,523
Partial Nov 19, 1975One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest $108,981,275 $163,274,115
Partial Apr 25, 2023Razzennest $0 $0
Partial Jun 22, 1984Rhinestone $21,400,000 $21,400,000
Partial Oct 29, 2021SYNESTHETE (越界) $0 $2,290,000
Partial Jan 27, 2016The Finest Hours $27,569,558 $49,252,761

Additional results found, but not listed.


Start Nestor Caniglia Supporting Actor 1 0
Start Nestor Cantillana Supporting Actor 2 0
Start Nestor Carbonell Supporting Actor 6 0
Start Nesta Cooper Supporting Actress 4 0
Start Néstor F. Dennis Director 0 1
Start Nestor Frenkel Director 0 1
Start Néstor Montalbano Director 0 1
Start Néstor Napolitano Director 0 1
Start Nestor Paiva Supporting Actor 3 0
Start Nestor Ruiz Medina Director 0 1
Start Nestor Sanchez Sotelo Director 0 4
Start Nestor Serrano Supporting Actor 11 0
Start (ID) Myles Nestel
(Nestel Myles)
Executive Producer 0 29
Start (ID) James Nester
(Nester James)
Supporting Actor 1 0
Start (ID) Lauren Nester
(Nester Lauren)
Art Director 0 1
Start (ID) Roman Nesterenko
(Nesterenko Roman)
Director 0 1
Start (ID) Alexej Nesterov
(Nesterov Alexej)
Supporting Actor 1 0
Start (ID) Dr. Marion Nestle
(Nestle Marion Dr)
Inverviewee Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Anne Marie Nestor
(Nestor Anne Marie)
Supporting Actress 1 0
Start (ID) James Nestor
(Nestor James)
Supporting Actor 1 0
Start (ID) LaLa Nestor
(Nestor LaLa)
Supporting Actress 1 0

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a random name match search in our complete people database.


Partial The Honest Candidate
Partial Dragons Nest
Partial Ernest

TV Shows

Start (ID) The Nest (Nest The (United Kingdom))
Partial Empty Nest
Partial L.A.’s Finest
Partial Patton Oswalt: Finest Hour

Production Companies

Partial Cinestacion
Partial Cinestar
Partial Cinestate
Partial Cinestyle Media Group
Partial Cinestyria Filmkunst
Partial Conestoga Films
Partial Europa Media Nest
Partial Europe Media Nest
Partial Ginestra Film
Partial Greenestreet Films
Partial Honest Engine
Partial Minestere de la Culture et de la Communication
Partial Rooks Nest Entertainment
Partial Tiger Nest Films

Theatrical Distributors

Partial Cinestaan
Partial Cinestaan AA Distributors
Partial PN tjenester AS

No home market distributors match found.


Partial Empty Nest

No production countries match found.

No sources match found.

No genres match found.

No production methods match found.

No creative types match found.

No box office record match found.

No box office star record match found.

No news article match found.

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a full search in all news articles.

Alternatively you can do a Google full site search or enter your search term below.

Note: This search will look for information in our database. For movies it searches on the title, any alternative title it was released under, and the original title of the movie, if it was ever changed. For people the name, any other name a person has any credits under and any alternative name previously used in our database for the same person.