
Tip: Often "less is more," especially when searching for movies with long titles, or special characters, in their names. For example, typing "Predator" will give you a list of Predator movies, from which you can select the one you are looking for, while typing the complete title of either Alien vs Predator movie might not match the name in the database. Similarly, just searching on Harry Potter gives an overview of all Harry Potter movies.

Note: The Advanced search includes a random match search of the term in all people names and news articles in our database. This if far more time consuming, but might in rare cases offer extra hits.


MatchRelease DateMovieDomestic GrossWorldwide Gross
Start Dec 8, 2022Lobo e Cão $0 $47,096
Start Jan 27, 2023Lobo Feroz $0 $236,794
Start Mar 15, 2019Lobos $0 $13,201
Start Apr 8, 2016Lobos sucios $0 $128,425
Start (ID) Jun 10, 2021Los Lobos
(Lobos Los (2021 Mexico))
$0 $26,086
Start (ID) Mar 27, 2015O Lobo atrás da Porta
(Lobo artras da Porta O)
$0 $837
Partial Nov 4, 2016A Toca do Lobo $0 $8,600
Partial Mar 9, 2018Bajo la Piel de Lobo $0 $111,539
Partial Oct 19, 2018Barbacana, la huella del lobo $0 $46,389
Partial Jun 18, 2021Entre perro y lobo $0 $194
Partial Mar 12, 2019Kolobos $0 $0
Partial Mar 20, 2020La Casa Lobo $0 $0
Partial Mar 29, 2019La guarida del lobo $0 $7,262
Partial Oct 7, 2016La noche del lobo $0 $1,339
Partial Jul 7, 2017Los Globos $0 $1,412
Partial Feb 24, 2017Mientras el Lobo no Está $0 $1,787,422
Partial Mar 12, 2019Mujer lobo $0 $0
Partial Mar 1, 2024No estás solo: luchando contra la manada de lobos $0 $0
Partial Jun 9, 2016Okhwan na ceste za slobodou $0 $92,644
Partial Dec 18, 1970Rio Lobo $0 $0
Partial May 6, 2022Salvajes, el cuento del lobo $0 $20,349
Partial Aug 5, 2016Sloboda pod nákladom $0 $38,771
Partial Sep 16, 2022Slobodní $0 $17,110
Partial Mar 24, 2023Un Día Lobo López $0 $6,933
Partial UnknownUntitled Lobo Film $0 $0
Partial (Released As) Jun 26, 2020100% Wolf
(100% Wolf: Pequeño gran lobo)
$0 $8,151,881
Partial (Released As) Feb 7, 2018Fifty Shades Freed
(Päťdesiat odtieňov slobody)
$100,407,760 $371,985,018
Partial (Released As) Oct 14, 2021Le loup et le lion
(El lobo y el leon)
$2,072,173 $20,351,378
Partial (Released As) Apr 22, 2016Volki i ovtsy
(Ovelhas e Lobos)
$0 $3,722,545


Start Lobo Chan Supporting Actor 2 0
Start Lobo Sebastian Supporting Actor 6 0
Start (ID) Alicia Lobo
(Lobo Alicia)
Supporting Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Antonio Lobo
(Lobo Antonio)
Director 0 1
Start (ID) Miguel Lobo Antunes
(Lobo Antunes Miguel)
Leading Actor 1 0
Start (ID) Ashley Lobo
(Lobo Ashley)
Choreography 0 1
Start (ID) Aurora Lobo
(Lobo Aurora)
Executive Producer 0 1
Start (ID) Claudia Lobo
(Lobo Claudia)
Supporting Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Francisco Lobo Faria
(Lobo Faria Francisco)
Director 0 1
Start (ID) Francisco Lobo
(Lobo Francisco)
Cinematographer 0 1
Start (ID) Ghilherme Lobo
(Lobo Ghilherme)
Leading Actor 1 0
Start (ID) João Lobo
(Lobo Joao)
Supporting Actor 1 0
Start (ID) Josh Lobo
(Lobo Josh)
Screenwriter 0 3
Start (ID) Luana Lobo
(Lobo Luana)
Associate Producer 0 1
Start (ID) Manoj Lobo
(Lobo Manoj)
Cinematographer 0 1
Start (ID) Mia Lobo
(Lobo Mia)
Supporting Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Miguel Lobo
(Lobo Miguel)
Leading Actor 1 0
Start (ID) Norberto Lobo
(Lobo Norberto)
Composer 0 1
Start (ID) Serge Lobo
(Lobo Serge)
Executive Producer 0 1
Start (ID) Stephen Lobo
(Lobo Stephen)
Supporting Actor 3 0
Start (ID) Krystyna Loboda
(Loboda Krystyna)
Production Designer 0 6
Start (ID) Felipe Lobos
(Lobos Felipe)
Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Millaray Lobos
(Lobos Millaray)
Supporting Actress 1 0
Start (ID) Igor N. Lobotsky
(Lobotsky Igor N)
Supporting Actor 1 0

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a random name match search in our complete people database.

No franchises match found.

TV Shows

Partial Megalobox

Production Companies

Start Lobo Films
Partial Globo Filmes
Partial Globo Rojo Films
Partial Globomedia Cine
Partial Globosat/Telecine
Partial Various Lobos

No theatrical distributors match found.

No home market distributors match found.

No keywords match found.

No production countries match found.

No sources match found.

No genres match found.

No production methods match found.

No creative types match found.

No box office record match found.

No box office star record match found.

No news article match found.

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a full search in all news articles.

Alternatively you can do a Google full site search or enter your search term below.

Note: This search will look for information in our database. For movies it searches on the title, any alternative title it was released under, and the original title of the movie, if it was ever changed. For people the name, any other name a person has any credits under and any alternative name previously used in our database for the same person.