
Tip: Often "less is more," especially when searching for movies with long titles, or special characters, in their names. For example, typing "Predator" will give you a list of Predator movies, from which you can select the one you are looking for, while typing the complete title of either Alien vs Predator movie might not match the name in the database. Similarly, just searching on Harry Potter gives an overview of all Harry Potter movies.

Note: The Advanced search includes a random match search of the term in all people names and news articles in our database. This if far more time consuming, but might in rare cases offer extra hits.


MatchRelease DateMovieDomestic GrossWorldwide Gross
Full (ID) Jun 1, 1954Them!
$0 $0
Start Aug 2, 2019Them That Follow $159,218 $172,843
Start (ID) Nov 24, 2022Themba
(Themba (2010 Germany))
$0 $0
TermMatch Nov 12, 20222022 Cross Strait nostalgia theme exhibition $0 $20,000
TermMatch Oct 1, 2021Adventures of a Mathematician $0 $0
TermMatch Aug 16, 2013Ain't Them Bodies Saints $391,611 $1,075,009
TermMatch Jun 27, 1986American Anthem $3,571,624 $3,571,624
TermMatch UnknownAnathema $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownAnthem $0 $0
TermMatch Jan 11, 2019Anthem of a Teenage Prophet $0 $0
TermMatch Jun 7, 2022Bix: ‘Ain’t None of Them Play Like Him Yet’ $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownBreaking Them Up2 $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownDaddy and Them $0 $0
TermMatch Oct 22, 2021Every Last One of Them $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 14, 2016Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them $234,037,575 $811,724,385
TermMatch Sep 8, 2023Fuck Them All! $0 $0
TermMatch Jul 28, 2022Give Them Wings $0 $607
TermMatch Jul 8, 2023Hong Kong Theme Film Exhibition $0 $46,217
TermMatch UnknownKill Them All $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 27, 2015Killing Them Safely $0 $0
TermMatch Sep 21, 2012Killing Them Softly $14,945,541 $39,238,443
TermMatch Dec 10, 2020Let Them All Talk $0 $0
TermMatch Dec 5, 2008Let Them Chirp Awhile $0 $0
TermMatch May 30, 2014Lucky Them $48,995 $81,819
TermMatch UnknownMaurice Hines: Bring Them Back $0 $0
TermMatch Mar 2, 2001Me You Them $323,403 $323,403
TermMatch Nov 20, 2020Memories to Choke On, Drinks to Wash Them Down $0 $109,569
TermMatch Jul 12, 2024National Anthem $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 20, 2015Pathemari $0 $5,933
TermMatch Sep 27, 2019Roger Waters Us + Them $594,982 $1,277,254
TermMatch Apr 5, 2024Seize Them! $0 $325,210
TermMatch Mar 26, 2019Stadium Anthems $0 $0
TermMatch Jan 27, 2024Tell Them I Flew Away (谁能背我飞行) $0 $279
TermMatch May 13, 2005Tell Them Who You Are $39,075 $39,075
TermMatch Dec 18, 1969Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here $0 $0
TermMatch Mar 26, 1992The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them $690,966 $690,966
TermMatch Aug 5, 2022They/Them $0 $0
TermMatch Jan 28, 2022They/Them/Us $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 27, 2021Time for Them to Come Home for Christmas $0 $0
TermMatch Mar 16, 2018Us and Them $0 $49
TermMatch Oct 20, 2023Us or Them $0 $0
Partial (Released As) Apr 6, 2022Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 3)
$95,850,844 $404,560,145
Partial (Released As) Dec 31, 1968Ammazzali tutti e torna solo
(Kill Them All and Come Back Alone)
$0 $0
Partial (Original Title) Nov 14, 2018Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2)
$159,555,901 $648,455,339
Partial (Original Title) Unknowngibeu dem sarajin jadeuleui bimil (기브 뎀 : 사라진 자들의 비밀)
(Give Them Secret of the Lost (2022 South Korea))
$0 $0


Start (ID) Alex Themistocleous
(Themistocleous Alex)
Cinematographer 0 1
Start (ID) Paris Themmen
(Themmen Paris)
Supporting Actor 1 0

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a random name match search in our complete people database.


Partial (ID) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)

TV Shows

Full Them
Partial (ID) Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them (Selena and Yolanda The Secrets Between Them (2024))

Production Companies

Start Them Gold Wolves
Start Them Too
Start (ID) Thema Prods (Thema Prods)
Start (ID) Thematic Entertainment (Thematic Entertainment)
Start (ID) @TheMovies Entertainment (TheMovies Entertainment)
Partial Anthem Pictures
Partial Anthem Productions
Partial Anthem Ventures
Partial Save Them Wild Dogs
Partial (ID) AB Thematiques (AB Thematiques)
Partial (ID) Mathematic (Mathematic)
Partial (ID) Multithematiques (Multithematiques)

Theatrical Distributors

Partial (ID) Beijing Theme Film Group (北京主旋律电影集团有限公司) (Beijing Theme Film Group (China))

No home market distributors match found.


Partial (ID) Mathematics (Mathematics)

No production countries match found.


Partial (ID) Based on Theme Park Ride (Based on Theme Park Ride)

No genres match found.

No production methods match found.

No creative types match found.

Box Office Records

Title/Short Title All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title All Time International Box Office for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title All Time Worldwide Box Office for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title Biggest Day at the Domestic Box Office for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title Biggest Weekend at the Domestic Box Office for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies

Box Office Star Records

Title/Short Title Top Domestic Leading Stars for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title Top International Leading Stars for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies
Title/Short Title Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Based on Theme Park Ride Movies

No news article match found.

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a full search in all news articles.

Alternatively you can do a Google full site search or enter your search term below.

Note: This search will look for information in our database. For movies it searches on the title, any alternative title it was released under, and the original title of the movie, if it was ever changed. For people the name, any other name a person has any credits under and any alternative name previously used in our database for the same person.