
Tip: Often "less is more," especially when searching for movies with long titles, or special characters, in their names. For example, typing "Predator" will give you a list of Predator movies, from which you can select the one you are looking for, while typing the complete title of either Alien vs Predator movie might not match the name in the database. Similarly, just searching on Harry Potter gives an overview of all Harry Potter movies.

Note: The Advanced search includes a random match search of the term in all people names and news articles in our database. This if far more time consuming, but might in rare cases offer extra hits.


MatchRelease DateMovieDomestic GrossWorldwide Gross
Start (ID) May 12, 2017The Wall
(Wall The (2017))
$1,803,064 $4,495,262
Start (ID) Jan 18, 2022The Wall — Climb for Gold
(Wall The Climb for Gold (2022 United Kingdom))
$0 $0
TermMatch Sep 6, 201399% - The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film $0 $0
TermMatch Jan 21, 2022A Shot Through the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownAgainst the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Oct 21, 2011Balls to the Wall $3,140 $3,140
TermMatch Aug 25, 2009Behind the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 27, 2018Behind the Walls $0 $37,971
TermMatch Aug 5, 2023Boy in the Walls $0 $0
TermMatch Feb 28, 2020Cat in the Wall $0 $7,655
TermMatch UnknownDreamland: The Rise and Fall of Black Wall Street $0 $0
TermMatch Mar 23, 2023Erica Jong — Breaking the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Dec 16, 2022If These Walls Could Sing $0 $0
TermMatch Sep 24, 2021Inside the Red Brick Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 9, 2001Keeping it Real: The Adventures of Greg Walloch $1,358 $1,358
TermMatch Jul 28, 2022Meet the Wallers $0 $1,200
TermMatch Feb 25, 2016Michael Jackson's Journey from Motown to Off the Wall $0 $3,025
TermMatch Apr 2, 1938Over the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Aug 6, 1982Pink Floyd: The Wall $14,844,106 $14,850,958
TermMatch Sep 25, 2015Roger Waters the Wall $0 $2,179,727
TermMatch Sep 14, 2021Running Wild: The Cats of Cornwall $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownSecrets in the Walls $0 $0
TermMatch UnknownThe American Duchess: The Real Wallis Simpson $0 $0
TermMatch Sep 14, 2018The Dawn Wall $1,037,023 $1,631,682
TermMatch Apr 12, 2002The Earth Will Swallow You $71,332 $71,332
TermMatch Dec 15, 2016The Great Wall $45,157,105 $334,486,852
TermMatch Sep 19, 2018The House with a Clock in its Walls $68,549,695 $131,457,147
TermMatch UnknownThe Other Side of the Wall $0 $0
TermMatch Sep 20, 2012The Perks of Being a Wallflower $17,742,948 $33,069,303
TermMatch May 3, 2019The River and the Wall $150,816 $150,816
TermMatch UnknownThe Swallow $0 $0
TermMatch Oct 13, 2020The Wall of Mexico $0 $0
TermMatch Apr 22, 2022The Wall of Shadows $0 $2,706
TermMatch Dec 25, 2013The Wolf of Wall Street $116,949,183 $389,816,136
TermMatch Mar 29, 2022The Yellow Wallpaper $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 28, 2014Touch the Wall $12,156 $12,156
TermMatch May 31, 2013Triumph of the Wall $476 $476
TermMatch Mar 23, 2018Triumph: The Untold Story of Perry Wallace $0 $0
TermMatch Feb 21, 2024Wallace & Gromit The Classic Collection $0 $200,483
TermMatch Apr 6, 1996Wallace & Gromit: The Best of Aardman Animation $1,002,002 $1,002,002
TermMatch Sep 15, 2005Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit $56,068,547 $197,593,152
TermMatch Oct 11, 2023Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers $0 $0
TermMatch Nov 10, 2023Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out/The Wrong Trousers $0 $40,164

No person match found.

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a random name match search in our complete people database.

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No news article match found.

Select 'Advanced' under the search box to execute a full search in all news articles.

Alternatively you can do a Google full site search or enter your search term below.

Note: This search will look for information in our database. For movies it searches on the title, any alternative title it was released under, and the original title of the movie, if it was ever changed. For people the name, any other name a person has any credits under and any alternative name previously used in our database for the same person.