Peter Frampton

Best known as a Leading Actor based on a credit in that role in 1 film, with $12,900,000 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #2,965)
Best-known acting roles: Billy Shears (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)
Best-known technical roles: Lady Jane (Make-up and Hair Designer)
Most productive collaborators: Jennifer L. Parsons, Barry Gibb, Steve Martin, Donald Pleasance, Helena Bonham Carter
Born: April 22, 1950 (74 years old)

  1. Summary
  2. Acting Credits
  3. Technical Credits

Career Summary

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
As an ActorLeading1$12,900,000$0$12,900,000
In Technical RolesMake-up and Hair Designer1$277,646$0$277,646

Career Trend

This graph shows Peter Frampton’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. The Star Score represents points assigned to each of the leading stars of the top 100 movies (based on box office) in the current year and two preceding years. For appearing in the number one movie in a year a star gets 100 points, the number two movie 99 points and so on..

Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists

All Acting Credits

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Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
1978Sgt. Pepper's Lonely H… Billy Shears $12,900,000$12,900,000
Averages $12,900,000n/a$12,900,000
Totals 1 $12,900,000n/a$12,900,000

Latest Ranking on All Acting Box Office Record Lists

All Technical Credits

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Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
Feb 7, 1986Lady Jane Make up $277,646$277,646
Averages $277,646n/a$277,646
Totals 1 $277,646n/a$277,646