"Death Sports" Movies

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Movies about sports where death is the outcome. This could be sports where two or more competitors try to kill each other, like any gladitorial games. Or it could be sports where the competitors don't need to kill, but are encouraged to, like Death Race 2000. Or it could be sports where the competitors don't kill each other, but losing will result in death, like Balls of Fury.

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Box Office
Box Office
Apr 15, 2022Dual $118,254$185,212$299,698
Aug 31, 2021Mortal Kombat Legends: Batt…
Feb 14, 2019Alita: Battle Angel $170,000,000$28,525,613$85,838,210$401,900,040
May 5, 2017Lady Bloodfight $13,109
Jun 24, 2016The Call Up $158,758
Jun 3, 2016Andron—The Black Labyrinth
Jun 13, 2014The Human Race
Aug 22, 2008Death Race $65,000,000$12,621,090$36,316,032$72,516,819
Aug 29, 2007Balls of Fury $11,352,123$32,886,940$41,780,026
Feb 8, 2002Rollerball $70,000,000$9,013,548$18,990,542$25,852,508
Jun 20, 1986The Karate Kid, Part II $12,652,336$115,103,979$115,103,979
Apr 1, 1975Death Race 2000 $300,000
Jan 1, 1975Rollerball $30,000,000$30,000,000

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Death Sports

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Action Adventure2 - Dystopia4 - Early / Simultaneous Video-on-Demand release2 - Fake Sports2 - Martial Arts3 - Near Future2 - Roller Skating2 - Sports Action3 - Trapped2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action10 - Comedy1 - Drama1 - Thriller/Suspense1

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction3 - Fantasy1 - Science Fiction9

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel1 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story2 - Based on Game1 - Original Screenplay7 - Remake2

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Animation/Live Action2 - Digital Animation1 - Live Action10

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated1 - PG1 - PG-134 - R7