Movie Website Updates for September 16 - September 22

September 23, 2006

Slow week with just over half a dozen sites on the list. Of them, Renaissance - Official Site is clearly the best with a few others showing promise.

All the King's Men - Official Site
All the usual features are here, but the lack of sounds and extras prevents it from standing out.

American Hardcore - Official Site
No real changes in a while, but there's more than enough here to sell the film to its target demographic.

Black Snake Moan - Official Site
Some of the entries for the trailer contest are online.

Casino Royale - Official Site
No new blog this week. That's strange.

The Children of Men - Official Site
A new side site was created, The Human Project Lives. These are great fun for fans, but rarely do they help promote the film as they tend to devolve into the same few people preaching to the choir over and over again.

Colin Fitz Lives! - Official Site
There's not much here just the synopsis, press kit, image gallery and trailer.

Curse of the Golden Flower - Official Site
A second trailer has been added to the site.

Deliver Us From Evil - No Site
There's no site at the moment, but we have the trailer: Small, Medium, and Large.

Eragon - Official Site
The trailer is up, but I'm not sure how successful it will be at selling the movie. Every movie like this released for a long, long time will be compared to Lord of the Rings and whether or not that is fair, it is a comparison this movie can't live up to.

Feast - Official Site
Just the synopsis and trailer.

Flyboys - Official Site
No changes in a few weeks. Overall the site has everything it needs, plus a few extras, and should sell the film well.

The Fountain - Official Site
The site was completely redesigned this week and all the regular features were added. There was also an extra called, "Experience" but the three options were all marked coming soon.

The Genius Club - Official Site
The synopsis, production notes, and image gallery were added to the site.

Ghost Rider - Official Site
This week's video blog is on the Hellcycle.

The Grudge 2 - Official Site
The flash site launched this week and while there are some of the regular features, the primary draw should be the online graphic novel and the game. However, both of these suffer from frequent, and unacceptably long load times. The latter may simply be a matter of more traffic than expected but the former will be harder to fix.

The Invisible - Official Site
Just a re-direct so far, but the trailer is there and it is worth checking out.

Jackass: Number Two - Official Site
The site features a lot of clips, most of which didn't make me want to see the movie one iota.

Jet Li's Fearless - Official Site
All the usual features are here, but the only extra is a concept art to screen comparison and three clips.

Man of the Year - Official Site
Two TV spots were added to the site.

Rank - Official Site
Typical IFC film site with just the synopsis, cast & crew, trailer, and a blog. The most unique feature is a making of featurette, which is very impressive for a website and would not be out of place on a DVD, (with better res, obviously).

Renaissance - Official Site
Excellent site with plenty to look at including all the usual features: synopsis, cast & crew bios, image galleries, trailer, etc. Extras include character bios, extensive concept art galleries, a panoramic view of Paris with details of certain locations, and more. However, this does leave the making of section and the newsletter marked coming soon. Even with those features missing, this is still the best site on this week's list and worthy of the renewing Weekly Website Award.

Saw III - Official Site
There's a new look to the site and it includes the new trailer and further information on the Blood Drive.

School for Scoundrels - Official Site
Three more clips were added, but I'm still not sold on the movie.

The Science of Sleep - Official Site
Not much new in a while, but it's an award-winning site, so there's not much that needs to be changed.

So Much So Fast - Official Site
All the regular features are here, synopsis, production notes, image gallery, trailer, etc. but the site doesn't have a very polished feel. However, I think if people just watch the trailer, they will be sold on this movie.

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny - Official Site
Nothing new this week, but I have to emphasize how much I love that intro.

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D - Official Site
Just the trailer so far, but the film is a re-release so I'm not expecting much of a site. It doesn't need to sell the film has it already has a fanbase, who only need to know it will be in 3-D to get excited. On a side note, this is one of my favorite musicals and as soon as I hear the opening notes of the opening song I get Goosebumps.

The Transformers - Official Site
The placeholder site said, "Enter Site" and I got really excited. Unfortunately, the flash site has no real content that wasn't there before. In fact, even taking the features marked coming soon into account, there's not a lot here to get excited about. Granted, the release date is about 9 months away, so there's plenty of time to add more.


Filed under: Movie Website Updates