Featured DVD Review: Care Bears: Share Bear Shines Movie

September 3, 2011

Care Bears: Share Bear Shines Movie - Buy from Amazon

The latest Care Bears movie, Share Bear Shines Movie, hits the home market this week. The franchise has been around for 30 years and while its popularity has risen and fallen over the years, it has found a receptive audience recently, especially on the home market. Will the latest film please fans?

The Movie

It's an important night in Share-a-Lot, as the Twinklets are coming. As Share Bear explains, Twinklets are baby stars and on this night every year, they go to Glitter City where Princess Starglo will grant them their wishes and turn them into full-fledged stars. Grumpy thinks she's full of it. In fact, all of the Care Bears think Princess Starglo is a myth. When it's finally time for the Twinklets to arrive... they don't. This is the first time none have shown up, although the numbers have been shrinking the past few years.

Just when they've given up hope, Gleamer crashes into Care-a-Lot. Share Bear is determined to get to the bottom of this and wants to travel to Glitter City and talk to Starglo, but since none of the other Care Bears think Starglo is real, she's on her own. With the help of Gleamer as a guide, she heads off to Glitter City, but when they find Starglo, she's a little off. She's gone a little crazy. Since no one believes in Starglo and no one wishes on stars anymore, she's losing her powers, so she's turning off all of the stars. This is having terrible consequences in Care-a-lot. Without the stars, there's nothing to turn the night into day and everyone's sleeping. Fortunately, Share Bear is there to help. Unfortunately, starglo doesn't exactly want to be helped. And when more Care Bears come looking for Share, she really gets mad.

If you've seen any of the other recent Care Bear DVDs, then you know what to expect here. The animation is bright and colorful, there's a daring adventure, a few happy songs, and even a good message about believing in something and the power of beliefs. It's better than The Rescue Movie was and doesn't have the same episodic feel. It feels like one story, not three episodes crammed into one.

The Extras

There is an interactive game called Unlock the Shine, which is a little more complicated version of the lock on Glitter City.

The Verdict

If you picked up the previous DVD release for Care Bears, then Share Bear Shines Movie is also worth adding to your collection. It has all of the strengths of the recent releases. It is a little short for a feature-length movie (it's 68 minutes long) but its worth the $12 on Amazon.com.

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