Chris Miller

Best known as a Producer based on credits in that role in 2 films, with $0 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #19,938)

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In Technical RolesProducer2$0$0$0

Theater counts: Blue Beetle and Strays not enough to oust Barbie from its spot as widest release

August 17th, 2023


Barbie continues to count up impressive numbers on a daily basis, crossing the $500 million mark domestically last Friday, and now with a 27-day North American total of just under $542 million. The film has fared even better overseas as it has charted $660 million from international markets. As Barbie continues to hit milestones and blaze trails, another Warner Bros movie buzzes into theaters in the way of the latest DC superhero film, Blue Beetle, while the R-rated talking-dog comedy, Strays, also makes its arrival. More...

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2019Juveniles Producer
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