Research Tools

In addition to providing movie financial information in a large amount of overviews, we realize everybody's interests (or needs) are different, so we also offer a number of tools that allow you to compose your own overviews.

Our Report Builder allows you to compose a list of similar movies, great if you for example want to find out how much money was generated by Historical Fiction Drama movies with a budget of 10-20 million USD in the past 10 years.

Our Keyword Analysis Tool is a bit similar to the report builder, but focusses on keywords. You can filter our complete movie database on keywords, for example select Addiction - Biography - Musicians, and potential narrow it down by filtering on any of our major 6 categorizations, for example setting the genre to Drama.

Our Custom Movie Comparison Tool allows you to select up to 6 movies for a head to head to comparison on all major financial results, including a graphical comparison of the first 125 days of the domestic box office, and a day-by-day, weekend-by-weekend and week-by-week tabular comparison of the domestic box office.

Our Search allows you to search on any information available on our website.

In case these tools are not enough for your needs, or if you prefer to do your analysis in a more professional environment, please have a look atan our services, which range from providing you with reports for your specific needs to providing you with access to all our movie financial data via an API.