"Narcotics, Remake (Source)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Jan 25, 2019The Bounty Killer $20,805$48,815$48,815
Sep 29, 2017Chasing the Dragon $138,346$456,854$87,969,037
Nov 19, 2015Thoongaavanam $108,495
Jan 30, 2015The Loft $2,747,342$6,002,684$11,401,518
Oct 26, 2012Pusher $5,040$5,040$192,748
Aug 17, 2012Sparkle $10,000,000$11,643,342$24,397,469$24,660,323
Jul 11, 2012Snabba Cash $4,300,000$24,684$188,870$10,212,403
Jan 13, 2012Contraband $25,000,000$24,349,815$66,528,000$98,406,855
Sep 30, 2011Force $4,763,946
Apr 8, 2011Arthur $40,000,000$12,222,756$33,035,397$47,787,943
Dec 4, 2009Everybody's Fine $20,000,000$3,852,068$9,208,876$9,208,876
Dec 9, 1983Scarface $25,000,000$4,597,536$45,227,398$45,233,082

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Narcotics - Remake (Source)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Addiction5 - Corrupt Cops3 - Dysfunctional Family4 - Kidnap2 - Musicians2 - Non-Chronological2 - Organized Crime7 - Relationships Gone Wrong3 - Revenge4 - Romance2 - Surprise Twist2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action3 - Drama3 - Romantic Comedy1 - Thriller/Suspense4 - Western1

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction9 - Historical Fiction3

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel5 - Based on Factual Book/Article11 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story77 - Based on Game1 - Based on Movie5 - Based on Musical Group1 - Based on Musical or Opera1 - Based on Play5 - Based on Real Life Events81 - Based on Short Film6 - Based on TV7 - Compilation1 - Original Screenplay383 - Spin-Off2

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Live Action12

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated3 - PG-133 - R6