The Numbers Limited Releases News Articles - February 2018

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Limited and VOD Releases: Too Many Limited Releases are Cursed with Mixed Reviews

February 23, 2018


It’s not a good week for limited releases. The one I was looking forward to seeing the most was The Lodgers, but its reviews are mixed. Both November and Survivors Guide to Prison have 100% positive reviews, but neither are likely to have success at the box office. More...

Limited and VOD Releases: Monster Hits and Animated Flicks

February 16, 2018

Tehran Taboo

It’s a strange week for limited releases with a wide variety of films to check out. There’s an Oscar nominationed Russian film, Loveless. As well as two Chinese films that are going to be monster hits back home, Detective Chinatown 2 and Monster Hunt 2. And finally, two animated films, Mind Game and Tehran Taboo. More...

Limited and VOD Releases: Check out an Oscar-winner or Three

February 9, 2018

Summer 1993

A lot of films on this week’s list are earning good reviews, but not great reviews. This means most of them will have to wait till the home market to find an audience. That’s not to say there are no movies worth going to the theater to see. Summer 1993 is the best, but both Pad Man and the 2018 Oscar Shorts collections are also worth the trip. More...

Limited and VOD Releases: A Fantastic Limited Release or Two

February 2, 2018

A Fantastic Woman

It’s a terrible weekend to release a movie. Not only is the Super Bowl taking up most people’s attention, but fans of limited releases are too busy catching up on Oscar contenders to deal with new releases. There are not a lot of films on this week’s list, but 24 Frames and A Fantastic Woman could do well in the art house circuit. More...